Healthiest Fruits Top 10 Help Boost Your Health

It seems like every week a "super" a new discovery that could cure diseases and make you live longer. In fact, the problem now is not surprising that the rising cost of healthy food, but the selection of the best, because there are many to choose from.

So here are the top 10 in the areas of health, increased fruit "superfoods" in the world, so you can enjoy on a regular basis:

  1. Apricots - rich in beta-carotene, apricots to help protect the body from free radicals (caused by pollution, stress, chemicals, physical activity and nutrition) and are also important for eye health. The body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A, which was associated with a reduced risk of cancer. Tip: Eat fresh and dry!
  2. Council - Yes, it is a fruit and a rich source of oleic acid, an unsaturated fatty acid, cholesterol and contribute to favorable HDL. Tip: Combine with red pepper for a delicious homemade guacamole!
  3. To avoid an important source of vitamin C and fiber, including raspberries in their diets to help high cholesterol and heart disease - raspberries. They also provide ellagic acid, which inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Tip: Add yogurt for a tasty breakfast!
  4. Melon - Cantaloupe average almost twice the RDA of vitamin C, also rich in beta carotene and twice the potassium lowers blood pressure to be like a banana. Tip: Try to blend into a smoothie!
  5. Cranberry juice - especially good for urinary tract and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. Tip: Buy 100% juice diluted with water!
  6. Tomatoes - full of lycopene, which acts as a potent antioxidant protection to prevent to prevent the body from harmful free radicals. Tip: eat cold salads, sandwiches, etc., with a little olive oil extra virgin, as it helps the body absorb the lycopene!
  7. Raisins - these small iron-rich, older people are particularly important for women who are often the lack of iron. For men and women, but transport is a great addition to foods, such as iron helps carry oxygen to the blood. Tip: Add the bran flakes and a great way to start the day!
  8. Figs - an excellent source of potassium, fiber and vitamin B6 to lower the cholesterol, serotonin, the happiness and to help prevent water retention. Tip: Add variety to your salads or as a snack in the dry month of March!
  9. To fight infections of the urinary tract - The Cranberries. Tip: Try cranberry juice and fresh blueberries!
  10. Lemons and limes full of goodness, including the fight against cancer and vitamin C. Limes Tip: To add the juice of pickles, vegetables, fish and water!

If you are sick and tired, sore sick, and complaints, it is time that the natural action of your body healthy!


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