Healthiest Fruits: Top 8 You Should Taste For Health

It seems that an apple a day (and, kiwi, orange and banana), the physician can perform. It should be a healthy fruit.

Blueberries, oranges, bananas, apples, kiwis, grapes, strawberries, papaya and - take your choice and a snack, fruits are important foods for health.


Blueberries are rich in antioxidants that help fight cancer and prevent macular degeneration. Such as blueberries, compounds that may protect against urinary tract infections.


Orange is only part of a day of vitamin C, plus potassium. The membrane around each disk is opaque hesperidin, can reduce cholesterol. The fragrance is calming, the study found.


Eat the skin to high levels of fiber - soluble (By the way, helps to lower cholesterol) and insoluble (regular). In addition to meeting 15 percent of fiber per day, an apple is rich in antioxidants.


High in sodium, potassium and low support, bananas, the risk of hypertension and stroke. Bonus: protease inhibitors to prevent stomach ulcers.


Ounce for ounce, kiwis contain more vitamin C than oranges, twice, because they reduce the risk of cataracts and may also protect against DNA damage.

Purple grapes and red

Wine is not the only source of resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that can help fight against heart disease. You get almost as much resveratrol in a cup of red grapes, if you drink five ounces of merlot.


A lever type 2 diabetes by day and the prevention of heart disease and inflammation. Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C and other antioxidants.


These contain papain, a substance that helps to improve digestion. Papaya is also rich in vitamin C and are a good source of folate.


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